R.A.C.E.R.S Excel Mentoring & Leadership Program | September - April
Expected project outcomes:
1. Provide structured activities for at risk youth during critical hours (after-school, weekends, summer) when according to research data, juvenile crime peaks.
2. Ensure that 75% of students show academic improvement in reading, language, science, and mathematics.
3. Increase social competency through character development, life skills, cultural enrichment workshops, counseling, outreach activities and events.
4. Increase Parent Involvement by 50% of students.
5. Increase Community Service by 75% amongst students.
The R.A.C.E. Foundation’s strategy to achieve project goals are to provide structured activities 5 days per week, 44 weeks per year, enabling youth to model and encourage healthy behaviors within pro-social peer groups including:
Academic Enrichment (Science, Reading, Language, Mathematics)
Community Service Projects
Counseling & Group Sessions
Cultural Enrichment (Art, Dance, Drama, Music, Conversational Spanish)
Entrepreneurial Program (Middle & High School ONLY)
Field Trips (Educational, Recreational, Cultural)
Parent Involvement Activities o Social Competency Workshops (Character Development, Health, Life Skills, etc.)
“The Kings Table” Nightly Family Dinner
R.A.C.E.R.S Excel program success is measured by an Individualized Enrichment Plan (IEP) comprised of data from community service logs, progress reports, report cards, surveys, standardized tests, sign-in sheets, workshops, etc. Students will be recruited in April during the R.A.C.E.R.S. “Choices” Day Party with a Purpose. Preference will be given to youth and their siblings with Low Reading Scores, other Educational Deficiencies, Incarcerated Parent and/or Single Parent Home.
Annual Excel Service Goal: 100 Students